Every word of gratitude spoken to the teacher is very significant. This book is the gratitude we express to the one who was and remain a Teacher with a capital letter. This book shows that Gabdygapar Seitkasimov’s life was not lived in vain and he left a mark on the earth. The work of his students and colleagues is collected in this book as a token of gratitude to him.
We are sure that an example of a grateful attitude to the work of a teacher is extremely important for the new generation of future scientists.
Berik Beisengaliyev
Organizational behavior is the branch of knowledge that every specialist in the field of human resource management needs. It is obvious that the rationality of the decision, the efficiency of the working group and, ultimately, the effectiveness of the organization in achieving the goals depends on how adequately the manager assesses the specific situation and the behavior of employees.
Modern Western management as a science, in fact, is largely engaged in the study of organizational behavior. Obviously, it is people who propose ideas for new products, develop proposals to increase the competitiveness of products. These same people are engaged in the production of products that are innovative in a particular period of time. With the transition to building an innovative economy, the most important issues facing the management of any company are the issues of high-quality and productive labor at all stages of product development.
Currently, more and more situations arise that require the formation and application of new approaches to managing an organization. As you know, working and production conditions are changing, the introduction of innovations is accelerating, there is a close interaction of technological, socio-economic and political processes, the importance of finding and retaining highly qualified specialists is increasing.
Under these conditions, managers who have received special training begin to play a special role. The professionalism of a modern manager lies primarily in the acquisition of special knowledge and skills in the field of organization of production and management, the ability to work with people in various fields. According to research results, a modern leader should be only 15-20% a specialist in his field, but, above all, he should be an organizer, psychologist and sociologist.
A certain block of knowledge, skills and abilities that allow future managers to meet modern requirements is formed by the discipline ‘Organizational Behavior’. Organizational behavior is an applied science that studies the behavior of people in order to determine the most effective methods of personnel management, which is necessary to achieve the goals of the organization. The development of organizational behavior implies the integration of the relevant areas of general, social and experimental psychology, management psychology, organization theory, sociology, political science, anthropology, and management. At the same time, organizational behavior uses world achievements in philosophy, logic, rhetoric, pedagogy, ethics and law.
Organizational behavior as a complex discipline makes it possible to study the behavior of people in an organization; it defines the most effective management practices to prevent human factor-related organizational dysfunctions. The purpose of the discipline is the formation of such skills that allow in labor collectives to apply the principles of cooperation and a combination of organizational, group and individual interests.
The discipline ‘Organizational Behavior’ is one of the disciplines of the profile component, complementing the cycle of courses that form professional competencies. The peculiarity of the discipline lies in the application of an interdisciplinary approach to its study.
The textbook is a summary of the fundamentals of the science of the behavior of people and groups in organizations, the formation of behavioral models and management tools for these subject areas. It is structured in accordance with the program of the academic discipline. The course ‘Organizational Behavior’ is structured so that each topic is worked out in practical (seminar) classes by analyzing specific situations (case studies), holding group discussions, business and role-playing games.
The tutorial contains six chapters. The materials of the study guide are presented in a presentable form and are intended to facilitate the study of the basic concepts of the course.
In the first chapter, theories of human behavior in an organization are considered, which gave one or another role to the components of human behavior, namely his personal qualities and the environment in which the person is located. The development of schools of managerial thought that contributed to the formation of organizational behavior as scientific knowledge is traced. Goals, tasks, object and subject of organizational behavior are defined, approaches to the study of organizational behavior are analyzed.
The second chapter deals with the basic concepts relating to personality and its characteristics. Particular attention is paid to perception and attitudes as fundamental personal principles of human behavior. The interrelation of role behavior with such concepts as position, status, norm is shown. Typical business roles performed by managers and members of the organization's team are presented.
The third chapter deals with issues related to one of the main components of organizational behavior - the group and group behavior. In particular, the main distinguishing features of the group, the reasons for their formation, types of groups and features of group behavior are given. The necessity of competition, cooperation and formation of teams that contribute to the formation of a cohesive team is substantiated.
The fourth chapter is devoted to the problems of leadership development in the organization. The chronology of the historical development of the study of leadership as a special phenomenon is considered. The relationship between leadership and power, the main qualities of a manager and a leader is shown. The characteristics of leadership types, leadership potential and leadership factors are given. Technologies for developing the leadership potential of the organization's employees are presented.
The fifth chapter shows the role of communications in the life support of the organization. The content of the communication process is disclosed, the types, types and forms of communications are presented. Communication channels and networks are characterized.
The sixth chapter is devoted to the conflicts that arise in the organization. The history of the formation of conflictology, the essence, content, structure of conflicts, as well as the causes of their occurrence are shown. The classification of conflicts and the typology of conflict personalities are considered. The technologies presented in this chapter allow you to regulate the behavior of employees in the process of performing their functional duties.
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